President's Message

At Patliputra Sahodaya, Our shared mission is to empower our Teachers through upskilling, ultimately benefiting the educators and future of our students.

In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, it is imperative that we equip our educators with the latest tools and techniques to ensure the best learning outcomes for our children. Collaboration among our schools will be the cornerstone of this effort.

Through workshops, seminars, and knowledge sharing, we will create an environment where every teacher can thrive. By pooling our expertise and resources, we can collectively enhance our teaching methodologies, adapt to new technologies, and stay at the forefront of pedagogical innovation.

Together, we can nurture a community of educators who are not only well-prepared but also passionate about shaping the future of our learners.

Let us embrace this opportunity to work hand in hand, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration that will undoubtedly elevate the educational experience across all our schools. Our students deserve the very best, and by strengthening our teaching workforce, we are ensuring a brighter future for them.

Thank you members for trusting Patliputra Sahodaya and joining together for this noble cause.

Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Sinha

M.A. , B.Ed. , LL.B. , Ph.D

Awardee: National Award to Teachers, 2011